Charlie Muise, Georgia's Important Bird Area coordinator, has a number of opportunities over the next few months for volunteers to participate in bird banding operations at Joe Kurz Wildlife Management Area and Panola Mountain State Park. If you have ever wanted to see birds in the hand and contribute to a long-running bird banding project, this is your chance.
Dates are posted below and also on our calendar.
JOKU = Joe Kurz MWA in Meriwether County
PANO = Panola Mountain State Park in Rockdale County
Friday, February 14 JOKU 7:30 (Note change)
Saturday, February 15 PANO 6:20
Friday, February 21 JOKU 6:30
Saturday, February 22 PANO 6:15
Saturday, March 8 PANO 6:00
Friday, March 14 JOKU 7:00
Saturday, March 15 PANO 6:50
Friday, March 21 JOKU 7:00
Friday, April 11 JOKU 6:10
Saturday, April 12 PANO 6:00
Friday, April 18 JOKU 6:10
Saturday, April 19 PANO 6:00
Contact Charlie Muise ( for details.